Dragon Ball Kai

TV Series (97 ep.)
From 2009-04-05
to 2011-03-27
Alternative Titles
en:Dragon Ball Z Kai
ru:Драконий жемчуг Кай
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Episode 1 - Tatakai no Makuake! Kaette Kita zo Son Gokuu
- en. Prologue to Battle! The Return of Son Goku
- ja. 闘いの幕開け! 帰ってきたぞ孫悟空
Episode 2 - Teki wa Gokuu no Ani!? Saikyou Senshi Saiyajin no Himitsu
- en. The Enemy is Goku's Brother?! The Secret of the Mighty Saiyan Warriors
- ja. 敵は悟空の兄!? 最強戦士サイヤ人の秘密
Episode 3 - Inochi wo Kaketa Tatakai! Gokuu to Pikkolo Sutemi no Moukou
- en. A Life-or-Death Battle! Goku and Piccolo's Ferocious Suicide Attack
- ja. 命をかけた闘い! 悟空とピッコロ捨て身の猛攻
Episode 4 - Anoyo de Hashire Son Gokuu! Hyaku-man Kiro no Hebi no Michi
- en. Run in the Afterlife, Son Goku! The One Million Snake Way!
- ja. あの世で走れ孫梧空! 100万キロの蛇の道
Episode 5 - Kouya no Survival! Tsukiyo ga Gohan wo Yobisamasu
- en. Wilderness Survival! A Moonlit Night Awakens Gohan
- ja. 荒野のサバイバル! 月夜が悟飯を呼び覚ます
Episode 6 - Tadori Tsuita Shuuten! Kaiousama no Ochame na Shiren
- en. The End of the Line is Reached! Playful Trials of Kaiosama
- ja. 辿り着いた終点!界王様のおちゃめな試練
Episode 7 - Juu-bai Juuryoku to Tatakae! Gokuu yo Shugyou wa Kakekko da
- en. The Battle With 10-Times Gravity! Goku, Your Training is a Race
- ja. 10倍重力と闘え!悟空よ修行はかけっこだ
Episode 8 - Ide yo Shenron! Saiyajin Tsui ni Chikyuu Touchaku
- en. Come Forth, Shenlong! The Saiyans Finally Arrive on Earth
- ja. いでよ神龍!サイヤ人ついに地球到着
Episode 9 - Yamcha Funtou! Osoru Beshi Saibaimen
- en. Yamucha's Struggle! The Terrible Saibaimen
- ja. ヤムチャ奮闘!おそるべし栽培マン
Episode 10 - Matte ro Chaozu! Tenshinhan Zekkyou no Kikouhou
- en. Sit Tight, Chaozu! The Screaming Kikoho of Tenshinhan
- ja. 待ってろ餃子! 天津飯絶叫の気功砲
Episode 11 - Maniau ka Son Gokuu!? Sentou Saikai Made Sanjikan
- en. Will Son Goku Be in Time?! 3 Hours Until the Battle Resumes
- ja. 間に合うか孫悟空!? 戦闘再開まで3時間
Episode 12 - Pikkolo ga Nagashi ta Namida... Son Gokuu Ikari no Dai Hangeki!
- en. Tears Shed by Piccolo... Son Goku's Furious Counterattack!
- ja. ピッコロが流した涙…孫悟空怒りの大反撃!
Episode 13 - Kore ga Kaiouken da!! Genkai Battle no Gokuu vs Vegeta
- en. This is the Kaioken! The Critical Battle of Goku vs. Vegeta
- ja. これが界王拳だ!! 限界バトルの悟空VSべジータ
Episode 14 - Gekitotsu Kamehameha! Vegeta Shuunen no Dai-henshin
- en. The Impact of the Kamehameha! Vegeta's Tenacious Transformation
- ja. 激突かめはめ波! ベジータ執念の大変身
Episode 15 - Zettai Zetsumei no Gokuu! Genki Dama ni Negai wo Takuse
- en. Goku in Absolute Peril! Entrust Your Wishes to the Genki Dama
- ja. 絶体絶命の悟空! 元気玉に願いを託せ
Episode 16 - Datou Fujimi no Vegeta! Kiseki wo Okose Son Gohan
- en. The Invincible Vegeta Defeated! Son Gohan Summons a Miracle
- ja. 打倒不死身のベジータ! 奇跡を起こせ孫悟飯
Episode 17 - Gekisen no Yoake... Kibou no Hoshi wa Pikkolo no Furusato
- en. Dawn of the Fierce Battle... The Star of Hope Is Piccolo's Homeland
- ja. 激戦の夜明け... 希望の星はピッコロの故郷
Episode 18 - Yunzabit ni Nemuru Uchuusen! Nameksei e Iza Hasshin
- en. The Spaceship that Sleeps in Yunzabit! Blast Off for Planet Namek
- ja. ユンザビットに眠る宇宙船! ナメック星へいざ発進
Episode 19 - Arata Naru Kyouteki! Uchuu no Teiou Freeza
- en. A Formidable New Enemy! Emperor of the Universe, Freeza
- ja. 新たなる強敵! 宇宙の帝王フリーザ
Episode 20 - Freeza e no Hangyaku! Yabou ni Moeru Vegeta
- en. Rebellion Against Freeza! Vegeta, Burning with Ambition
- ja. フリーザへの反逆! 野望に燃えるベジータ
Episode 21 - Mamore Dragon Ball! Namek-seijin Soukougeki
- en. Protect the Dragon Balls! The Namekian Offensive
- ja. 守れドラゴンボール!ナメック星人総攻撃
Episode 22 - Moutsui Dodoria no Kyoufu! Vegeta ni Akasu Shinjitsu
- en. Dodoria in Terrifying Hot Pursuit! Vegeta Learns the Truth
- ja. 猛追ドドリアの恐怖! ベジータに明かす真実
Episode 23 - Anyaku no Vegeta! Namek-seijin wo Osou Higeki
- en. Vegeta's Secret Plan! Tragic Attack Upon the Namekians
- ja. 暗躍のベジータ! ナメック星人を襲う悲劇
Episode 24 - Yomigaeru Nakama-tachi! Bisenshi Zarbon Akuma no Henshin
- en. Resurrected Companions! The Beauty Soldier Zarbon's Demon Transformation
- ja. 甦る仲間たち! 美戦士ザーボン悪魔の変身
Episode 25 - Power-Up da Kuririn! Ugomeku Freeza no Yokan
- en. Kuririn's Power-Up! The Foreboding Squirming of Freeza
- ja. パワーアップだクリリン! うごめくフリーザの予感
Episode 26 - Kudake Chire Inbou! Gyakushuu no Vegeta vs Zarbon
- en. The Conspiracy Completely Shatters! Vegeta's Counterattack vs. Zarbon
- ja. 砕け散れ陰謀! 逆襲のベジータVSザーボン
Episode 27 - Isshokusokuhatsu no Pinchi! Gohan yo Suushinchuu wo Mamore
- en. A Hair-Trigger Pinch! Gohan, Protect the Four Star Ball
- ja. 一触即発のピンチ! 悟飯よ四星球を守れ
Episode 28 - Semaru Choukessen! Ginyuu Tokusentai Tadaima Sanjou!
- en. The Super Decisive Battle Draws Near! The Ginyu Special-Squad Has Arrived!
- ja. 迫る超決戦! ギニュー特戦隊只今参上ッ!
Episode 29 - Tokusentai no Ichibante! Gurudo no Jubaku wo Uchi Kuzuse
- en. The Special-Squad's Frontline Man! Break Gurudo's Spell
- ja. 特戦隊の一番手! グルドの呪縛を打ち崩せ
Episode 30 - Jigoku no Recoom! Tanoshimasero yo Vegeta-chan
- en. The Hellish Recoome! Keep Me Entertained, Vegeta-chan
- ja. 地獄のリクーム! 楽しませろよベジータちゃん
Episode 31 - Son Gokuu Tsuini Touchaku! Kechirase Ginyuu Tokusentai
- en. Son Goku Finally Arrives! Knock the Ginyu Special-Squad Around
- ja. 孫悟空ついに到着! 蹴散らせギニュー特戦隊
Episode 32 - Shinuchi Toujou!? Ginyuu Taichou vs Son Gokuu
- en. Star Performer Entry!? Commander Ginyu vs. Son Goku
- ja. 真打ち登場!? ギニュー隊長VS孫悟空
Episode 33 - Full Power da Son Gokuu! Ononoku Ginyuu ni Hisaku Ari!?
- en. Son Goku at Full Power! There's a Secret Plan in the Shaking Ginyu!?
- ja. フルパワーだ孫悟空! おののくギニューに秘策あり!?
Episode 34 - Bikkuri! Gokuu ga Ginyuu de Ginyuu ga Gokuu!?
- en. Surprise! Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku!?
- ja. ビックリ! 悟空がギニューでギニューが悟空!?
Episode 35 - Gokuu Dai-Gyakuten!? Ima Koso Ide yo Chou-Shenron!
- en. A Great Turnabout for Goku?! Super Shenlong, Come Out Right Now!
- ja. 悟空大逆転!? 今こそいでよ超神龍!
Episode 36 - Gekikou Freeza ga Semaru! Porunga yo... Negai wo Kanae Tamae!
- en. An Enraged Freeza Approaches! Porunga... Please Grant Our Wish!
- ja. 激昂フリーザが迫る! ポルンガよ…願いを叶えたまえ!
Episode 37 - Akumu no Chou Henshin! Sentouryoku Hyaku-man no Freeza
- en. A Tormenting Super Transformation! Freeza's One Million Fighting Power
- ja. 悪夢の超変身! 戦闘力100万のフリーザ
Episode 38 - Kiba wo Muku Freeza! Chouzetsu Power ga Gohan wo Osou
- en. Freeza Bares His Fangs! Gohan's Transcendent Power Attacks
- ja. 牙をむくフリーザ! 超絶パワーが悟飯を襲う
Episode 39 - Shinsei Pikkolo Arawaru! Gekido Freeza Dai Ni no Henshin
- en. The Reborn Piccolo Shows Himself! An Enraged Freeza's Second Transformation
- ja. 新生ピッコロあらわる! 激怒フリーザ第2の変身
Episode 40 - Freeza Saigo no Chou Henshin! Jigoku Ijou no Kyoufu ga Hajimaru
- en. Freeza's Final Transformation! The Ultimate Nightmare Begins!
- ja. フリーザ最後の超変身! 地獄以上の恐怖がはじまる
Episode 41 - Machinimatta ze Kono Shunkan! Son Gokuu ga Fukkatsu da
- en. The Moment We've Waited For! Son Goku is Revived
- ja. 待ちに待ったぜこの瞬間! 孫悟空が復活だ
Episode 42 - Freeza wo Taose Son Gokuu! Hokori-Takaki Vegeta no Namida
- en. Defeat Freeza, Son Goku! The Proud Vegeta's Tears
- ja. フリーザを倒せ孫悟空! 誇り高きベジータの涙
Episode 43 - Son Gokuu tai Freeza! Chou-Kessen no Makuake da!
- en. Son Goku vs. Freeza! The Curtain Opens on the Super Decisive Battle!
- ja. 孫悟空VSフリーザ! 超決戦の幕開けだ!
Episode 44 - Genkai Toppa no Nikudansen! Gokuu to Freeza to Ginyuu Futatabi!?
- en. A Physical War That Exceeds All Limits! Goku and Freeza and Ginyu, Again?!
- ja. 限界突破の肉弾戦! 悟空とフリーザとギニュー再び!?
Episode 45 - 20-bai Kaiouken da! Subete wo Kaketa Kamehameha
- en. It's a 20-Fold Kaioken! A Kamehameha with Everything on the Line
- ja. 20倍界王拳だ! すべてを賭けたかめはめ波
Episode 46 - Kore ga Saigo no Kirifuda da! Gokuu no Tokudai Genki Dama
- en. This Is the Last Trump Card! Goku's Extra-Large Genki Dama
- ja. これが最後の切り札だ! 悟空の特大元気玉
Episode 47 - Mezamero Densetsu no Senshi... Super Saiyajin, Son Gokuu!
- en. Awaken Warrior of Legend... Super Saiyan, Son Goku!
- ja. 目覚めろ伝説の戦士... 超サイヤ人、孫悟空!
Episode 48 - Okoreru Super Saiyajin! Nanori wo Agero Son Gokuu!
- en. The Angry Super Saiyan! Throw Your Hat in the Ring Son Goku!
- ja. 怒れる超サイヤ人! 名乗りを上げろ孫悟空!
Episode 49 - Ada wo Ute Son Gokuu! Wakusei Houkai no Kauntodaun
- en. Exact Vengeance Son Goku! The Countdown to the Planet's Collapse
- ja. 仇を討て孫悟空! 惑星崩壊のカウントダウン
Episode 50 - Freeza Kesshi no Full Power! Negai wo Todokete Kure Shenron
- en. Do-or-Die Full Power of Freeza! Shenlong, Heed This Wish
- ja. フリーザ決死のフルパワー! 願いを届けてくれ神龍
Episode 51 - Gokuu Gekido no Osakebi! Ma ni Ae... Kishi-Kaisei no Negai!
- en. Furious Battle Cry of Goku! Make It in Time... The Resurrection Wish!
- ja. 悟空激怒の雄叫び! 間に合え…起死回生の願い!
Episode 52 - Kieyuku Hoshi ni Nokotta Futari! Kore ga Saishuu Kessen da
- en. Two Remain on a Vanishing Planet! This Is the Final Showdown
- ja. 消えゆく星に残った2人! これが最終決戦だ
Episode 53 - Son Gokuu, Saigo no Ichigeki... Namek-sei Uchuu ni Chiru
- en. The Final Blow, Son Goku... Planet Namek Scatters Throughout Space
- ja. 孫悟空、最後の一撃... ナメック星宇宙に散る
Episode 54 - Uchuu ni Kieta Gokuu... Yomigaere! Chou Senshi-tachi
- en. Goku Vanishes in Space... Return to Life! Super Warriors
- ja. 宇宙に消えた悟空... 甦れ! 超戦士たち
Episode 55 - Are ga Chikyuu da yo Papa... Freeza-Oyako no Gyakushuu
- en. That's Earth, Papa... Frieza and His Father Strike Back
- ja. あれが地球だよパパ... フリーザ親子の逆襲
Episode 56 - Freeza wa Boku ga Taosu! Mou Hitori no Super Saiyajin
- en. I'll Defeat Freeza! Another Super Saiyan
- ja. フリーザはボクが倒す! もう一人の超サイヤ人
Episode 57 - Okaeri Son Gokuu! Nazo no Shounen Trunks no Kokuhaku
- en. Welcome Back Son Goku! The Confession of the Mysterious Young Boy Trunks
- ja. おかえり孫悟空! 謎の少年トランクスの告白
Episode 58 - Gokuu no Shin Waza, Shunkan Idou! 3-nen Go ni Kaketa Tokkun
- en. New Technique of Goku, Instant Movement! Special Training Staked on 3 Years From Now
- ja. 悟空の新ワザ、瞬間移動! 3年後に賭けた特訓
Episode 59 - Kehai wo Motanu Futari-gumi! Jinzouningen, Arawaru
- en. The Pair Who Don't Leave a Trace! The Artificial Humans Appear
- ja. 気配を持たぬ2人組! 人造人間、あらわる
Episode 60 - Uchi-naru Teki to no Hasami-Uchi!? Son Gokuu vs Jinzouningen 19-gou
- en. Attacked on Both Sides by an Internal Enemy?! Son Goku vs Artificial Human #19
- ja. 内なる敵との挟み撃ち!? 孫悟空VS人造人間19号
Episode 61 - 19-gou ni Shouki Nashi! Okurete Kita Super Vegeta
- en. No Chance of Victory Against #19! Super Vegeta Arrives Late
- ja. 19号に勝機なし! 遅れてきた超ベジータ
Episode 62 - Pikkolo Kyoushuu! Kieta Nijuu-ou to Nejireru Mirai
- en. Piccolo's Assault! The Missing #20 and the Future Gone Askew
- ja. ピッコロ強襲! 消えた20号とねじれる未来
Episode 63 - Tsuigeki! Doctor Gero... Nazo no Kenkyuujo wo Sagase!
- en. Pursue! Doctor Gero... The Search for the Mysterious Laboratory!
- ja. 追撃! ドクター・ゲロ... 謎の研究所を探せ!
Episode 64 - 17-gou to 18-gou, Soshite...! Mezameru Jinzouningen-tachi
- en. #17 and #18, and...! The Artificial Humans Awaken
- ja. 17号と18号、そして...! 目覚める人造人間たち
Episode 65 - Kawaii Kao de Chou Power!? 18-gou tai Vegeta
- en. A Cute Face and Super Power?! #18 vs Vegeta
- ja. かわいい顔で超パワー!? 18号VSべジータ
Episode 66 - Hitotsu ni Modoru Toki ga Kita... Pikkolo Saikyou he no Ketsui!
- en. The Time has Come to Become One Again… Piccolo's Decision for Ultimate Power!
- ja. 1つに戻る時がきた... ピッコロ最強への決意!
Episode 67 - Mou Hitotsu no Time Machine!? Bulma ga Shiraseta Mystery
- en. One More Time Machine?! Bulma Unveils a Mystery
- ja. もう1つのタイムマシン!? ブルマが知らせたミステリー
Episode 68 - Soshite Kaibutsu ga Ugokidasu... Shutsugeki! Super Namek-seijin da!
- en. And So the Monster Makes its Move... Take Off! It's the Super Namekian!
- ja. そして怪物が動き出す... 出撃! 超ナメック星人だ!
Episode 69 - Ore wa Omae no Kyoudai da! Goku no Ki wo Motsu Monster
- en. I am Your Sibling! The Monster with the Ki of Goku
- ja. オレはお前の兄弟だ! 悟空の気を持つモンスター
Episode 70 - Uzumaku Senryaku, Taiyouken! Jinzouningen Cell wo Oe
- en. Escape Tactic, Taiyoken! Chase after the Artificial Human Cell
- ja. 渦巻く策略、太陽拳! 人造人間セルを追え
Episode 71 - Shinshutsu-Kibotsu no Cell wo Ute! Tsui-ni Fukkatsu, Son Gokuu!
- en. Attack the Elusive Cell! Son Goku, Finally Revived!
- ja. 神出鬼没のセルを討て! ついに復活、孫悟空!
Episode 72 - Super Saiyajin wo Koero! Iza, Seishin to Toki no Heya e
- en. Surpass Super Saiyan! Now, Into the Room of Spirit and Time
- ja. 超サイヤ人を超えろ! いざ、精神と時の部屋へ
Episode 73 - Kore ga Super Namek-seijin no Chikara! 17-gou tai Pikkolo
- en. This is the Power of a Super-Namekian! #17 vs. Piccolo!
- ja. これは、超ナメック星人の力! 17号対ピッコロ!
Episode 74 - Nigero 17-gou! Pikkolo, Kenmei no Kousen
- en. Run #17! Piccolo, A Battle for Suicidal Resistance
- ja. 逃げろ17号! ピッコロ、懸命の抗戦
Episode 75 - Jitsu-ryoku Mi-chisuu! Kamoku na Senshi 16-gou, Ugoku
- en. Unmeasured Power! The Silent Warrior #16, Makes his Move
- ja. 実力未知数! 寡黙な戦士16号、動く
Episode 76 - Tenshinhan, Kesshi no Shin Kikouhou! Senyuu wo Sukue, Son Gokuu
- en. Tenshinhan's Do-or-Die Shin Kikoho! Save Your Brother-in-Arms, Son Goku
- ja. 天津飯、決死の新気功砲! 戦友を救え、孫悟空
Episode 77 - Super Saiyajin wo Koeta! Futeki na Vegeta, Cell wo Utsu
- en. Super Saiyan Surpassed! The Daring Vegeta Strikes Cell
- ja. 超サイヤ人を超えた! 不敵なべジータ、セルを討つ
Episode 78 - Cell Dotou no Kuyashigari! Kuririn, 18-gou wo Hakai se yo
- en. The Surging Resentment of Cell! Kuririn, Destroy #18
- ja. セル怒涛の悔しがり! クリリン、18号を破壊せよ
Episode 79 - Soshite Saiaku no Jitai he... Cell, 18-gou ni Osoikakaru!
- en. And So the Situation Takes a Turn for the Worst... Cell Attacks #18!
- ja. そして最悪の事態へ... セル、18号に襲いかかる!
Episode 80 - Keisei Gyakuten! Kanzentai Cell, Tsui ni Shidou
- en. The Tables Have Turned! Perfect Form Cell, Finally Goes into Action
- ja. 形勢逆転! 完全体セル、ついに始動
Episode 81 - Vegeta Zenryoku no Ichigeki! Shikashi Takamaru Cell no Kyoufu
- en. Full-Power Strike of Vegeta! But the Terror of Cell Grows and Grows
- ja. ベジータ全力の一撃! しかし高まるセルの恐怖
Episode 82 - Chou Power Kakusei! Chichi wo Koeta Trunks
- en. Super Power Awakening! Trunks Surpasses his Father
- ja. 超パワー覚醒! 父を超えたトランクス
Episode 83 - Televeision ga Nottorareta! Cell Game Kaiken Namahou
- en. The Television Has Been Hijacked! A Live Broadcast of the Cell Games Press Conference
- ja. テレビが乗っ取られた! セルゲーム会見生放
Episode 84 - Shuugyou Kanryou! Gokuu, Datou Cell ni Yoyou Ari?!
- en. Training Completed! Does Goku, have the Composure to Defeat Cell?!
- ja. 修行完了! 悟空、打倒セルに余裕あり!?
Episode 85 - Yaburareta Kyuusoku! Boueigun, Cell ni Soukougeki
- en. An Interrupted Rest! The Self-Defense Army, Launches a General Offensive Against Cell
- ja. 破られた休息! 防衛軍、セルに総攻撃
Episode 86 - Atarashii Kamisama! Dragon Ball Tsui ni Fukkatsu
- en. A New God! The Dragon Balls are Finally Revived
- ja. 新しい神様! ドラゴンボール遂に復活
Episode 87 - Satan Gundan Ooabare! Cell Game no Makuaki
- en. Satan's Legion Runs Wild! The Curtain Rises on the Cell Games
- ja. サタン軍団大暴れ! セルゲームの幕開
Episode 88 - Kessen! Cell tai Son Gokuu
- en. Decisive Battle! Cell vs Son Goku
- ja. 決戦! セル対孫悟空
Episode 89 - Saikou Level no Tatakai! Cell wo Taose, Son Gokuu
- en. A Battle of the Highest Level! Defeat Cell, Son Goku
- ja. 最高レベルの戦い! セルを倒せ、孫悟空
Episode 90 - Shitou ni Ketchaku! Gokuu Ketsudan no Toki
- en. Conclusion to the Death Match! Time for Goku's Decision
- ja. 死闘に決着! 悟空決断の時
Episode 91 - Ikare Gohan! Nemureru Chikara wo Hodoki
- en. Get Angry Gohan! Release Your Dormant Power
- ja. 怒れ悟飯! 眠れる力を解き
Episode 92 - Sora ni Kieta Namida! Gohan, Ikari no Chou Kakusei
- en. The Tears that Disappeared into the Sky! The Angry Super Awakening of Gohan
- ja. 空に消えた涙! 悟飯、怒りの超覚醒
Episode 93 - Mayoi-naki Toushi! Gohan, Cell Junior Funsai
- en. Fighting Spirit Free from Hesitation! Gohan, Pulverizes the Cell Juniors
- ja. 迷いなき闘志! 悟飯、セルジュニア粉砕
Episode 94 - Kanzentai Houkai! Sakuritsu, Ikari no Chou Tekken
- en. The Perfect Form Breaks Down! Explosion, the Super Iron Fist of Rage
- ja. 完全体崩壊! 炸裂、怒りの超鉄拳
Episode 95 - Bai-Bai Minna! Kore ga Chikyuu wo Sukuu Yuiitsu no Michi
- en. Bye-Bye Everyone! This is the Only Way to Save the Earth
- ja. バイバイみんな! これが地球を救う唯一の道
Episode 96 - Chikara Awasero! Saikyou Saigo no Kamehameha
- en. Combine Our Power! The Mightiest Final Kamehameha
- ja. 力合わせろ! 最強最後のかめはめ波
Episode 97 - Egao no Wakare! Atarashii Hibi e...
- en. Farewell with a Smile! Heading for New Days...
- ja. 笑顔の別れ! 新しい日々へ...