Kannazuki no Miko

TV Series (12 ep.)
From 2004-10-02
to 2004-12-18
Alternative Titles
en:Destiny of the Shrine Maiden
ru:Жрица Луны, жрица Солнца
Fast Navigation
Episode 1 - Tokoyo no Kuni
- en. The Land of Eternity
- ja. 常世の国
Episode 2 - Kasanaru Jitsugetsu
- en. Overlapping Sun and Moon
- ja. 重なる日月
Episode 3 - Hirenkai
- en. Secret Love Shell
- ja. 秘恋貝
Episode 4 - Omoi Tamou ya
- en. Direction of Affection
- ja. 思い賜うや
Episode 5 - Yoruyami wo Koete
- en. Over the Darkness of Night
- ja. 夜闇を越えて
Episode 6 - Hidamari no Kimi
- en. You Where the Sun Shines
- ja. 日溜まりの君
Episode 7 - Rengoku ni Furu Ame
- en. Rainfall in the Hell of Love
- ja. 恋獄に降る雨
Episode 8 - Gingetsuei no Arashi
- en. Storm of the Silver Moon
- ja. 銀月の嵐
Episode 9 - Yomotsuhirasaka e
- en. To the Edge of Hell
- ja. 黄泉比良坂へ
Episode 10 - Ai to Shi no Shoutaijou
- en. Invitation of Love and Death
- ja. 愛と死の招待状
Episode 11 - Tsurugi no Butoukai
- en. Dance of Swords
- ja. 剣の舞踏会
Episode 12 - Kannazuki no Miko
- en. Priestesses of the Godless Month
- ja. 神無月の巫女