Dragon Ball Super

TV Series (131 ep.)
From 2015-07-05
to 2018-03-25
Alternative Titles
en:Dragon Ball Super
ru:Драконий жемчуг: Супер
cs:Dragon Ball Chou (Super)
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Episode 1 - Heiwa no Houshuu Ichioku Zenii wa Dare no Te ni!?
- en. The World Peace Prize. Who's Getting the 100 Million Zeni?!
- ja. 平和の報酬1億ゼニーは誰の手に!?
Episode 2 - Yakusoku no Resort e! Vegeta ga Kazoku Ryokou!?
- en. To the Promised Vacation! Vegeta Goes on a Family Trip?!
- ja. 約束のリゾートへ! べジータが家族旅行!?
Episode 3 - Yume no Tsuzuki wa Doko da!? Super Saiyajin God wo Sagase!
- en. Where Does the Dream Continue?! Find Super Saiyan God!
- ja. 夢の続きはどこだ!? 超〈スーパー〉サイヤ人ゴッドを探せ!
Episode 4 - Mezase Dragon Ball! Pilaf Ichimi no Daisakusen!
- en. Aim for the Dragon Balls! Pilaf Gang's Great Strategy!
- ja. 目指せドラゴンボール! ピラフ一味の大作戦!
Episode 5 - Kaiousei no Kessen! Gokuu VS Hakaishin Beerus
- en. Decisive Battle on Kai's Planet! Goku vs. God of Destruction Beerus
- ja. 界王星の決戦! 悟空VS破壊神ビルス
Episode 6 - Hakaishin wo Okoraseruna! Dokidoki Tanjou Party
- en. Don't Anger the God of Destruction! The Heart Pounding Birthday Party
- ja. 破壊神を怒らせるな! ドキドキ誕生パーティー
Episode 7 - Yokumo Ore no Bulma wo! Vegeta Ikari no Totsuzenheni!?
- en. How Dare You Hit My Bulma! Vegeta's Furious Mutation?!
- ja. よくもオレのブルマを! ベジータ怒りの突然変異!?
Episode 8 - Gokuu Kenzan! Beerus-sama kara no Last Chance!?
- en. Goku Steps Up! The Last Chance From Beerus-sama?!
- ja. 悟空見参! ビルス様からのラストチャンス!?
Episode 9 - Omatase, Beerus-sama: Tsuini Super Saiyajin God Tanjou!
- en. Sorry for the Wait, Beerus-sama: The Super Saiyan God is Finally Born!
- ja. お待たせ、ビルズ様 ついに超(スーパー)サイヤ人ゴッド誕生!
Episode 10 - Misero Gokuu! Super Saiyajin God no Power!!
- en. Show it Goku! The Power of the Super Saiyan God!!
- ja. 見せろ悟空! 超(スーパー)サイヤ人ゴッドの力(パワー)!!
Episode 11 - Tsuzuke you ze Beerus-sama! Kami to Kami no Tatakai wo!
- en. Let's Keep Going, Beerus-sama! The Battle of Gods Continues!
- ja. 続けようぜビルス様! 神と神の戦いを!
Episode 12 - Uchuu ga Kudakeru! ? Gekitotsu!? Hakai-shin tai Super Saiyajin God!
- en. The Universe Crumbles?! Clash! The God of Destruction vs. Super Saiyan God!
- ja. 宇宙が砕ける!? 激突! 破壊神VS(たい)超(スーパー)サイヤ人ゴッド!
Episode 13 - Gokuu yo, Super Saiyajin God wo Koete Yuke!
- en. Goku, Go Surpass Super Saiyan God!
- ja. 悟空よ、超(スーパー)サイヤ人ゴッドを超えてゆけ!
Episode 14 - Kore ga Ora no Arittake no Chikara da! Ketchaku! Kami to Kami
- en. This Is the Last Bit of my Power! Conclusion to the Battle of Gods!
- ja. これがオラのありったけの力だ! 決着! 神と神
Episode 15 - Yuusha Satan yo Kiseki wo Okose! Uchuu kara no Chousenjou
- en. Brave Satan, Cause a Miracle! A Challenge From Outer Space!!
- ja. 勇者ゆうしゃサタンよ奇跡きせきを起おこせ!宇宙うちゅうからの挑戦状ちょうせんじょう!!
Episode 16 - Vegeta ga Deshiiri!? Whis wo Kouryaku Seyo!
- en. Vegeta Becomes a Pupil?! Take Down Whis!
- ja. ベジータが弟子入でしいり!?ウイスを攻略こうりゃくせよ!
Episode 17 - Pan Tanjou! Soshite Gokuu wa Shuugyou no Tabi e!?
- en. Pan is Born! And Goku Goes Off on a Training Journey!?
- ja. パン誕生!そして悟空は修行の旅へ!?
Episode 18 - Ora mo Kita zo! Beerus-sei de Shuugyou Kaishi Da!
- en. I've Come Too! Training Begins on Beerus' Planet!
- ja. オラも来たぞ!ビルス星で修行開始だ!
Episode 19 - Zetsubou Futatabi! Aku no Teiou - Freezer no Fukkatsu!
- en. Despair Once More! Revival of the Evil Emperor, Freeza!
- ja. 絶望ふたたび!悪の帝王・フリーザの復活!
Episode 20 - Jako kara no Keikoku! Semarikuru Freezer to 1000 Nin no Heishi-tachi
- en. A Warning From Jaco! Freeza and 1,000 Soldiers are Fast Approaching!
- ja. ジャコからの警告!迫り来るフリーザと1000人の兵士達!
Episode 21 - Fukushuu no Hajimari! Freezer-gun no Akui ga Gohan wo Utsu!
- en. The Revenge Begins! The Vicious Freeza Army Attack Gohan!
- ja. 復讐のはじまり! フリーザ軍の悪意が悟飯を撃つ!
Episode 22 - Change! Masaka no Fukkatsu! Sono Na wa Ginyu!
- en. Change! An Impossible Revival! The Name's Ginyu!!
- ja. チェーンジ! まさかの復活! その名はギニュー!!
Episode 23 - Chikyuu ga! Gohan ga! Zettaizetsumei! Hayaku Kite Kure Son Gokuu!
- en. The Earth and Gohan in Dire Peril! Come Quick, Son Goku!
- ja. 地球が! 悟飯が! 絶体絶命! 早く来てくれ孫悟空!!
Episode 24 - Gekitotsu! Freeza vs Son Gokuu: Kore ga Ora no Shuugyou no Seika Da!
- en. Clash! Freeza vs Son Goku: This Is the Result of My Training!
- ja. 激突! フリーザVS孫悟空 これがオラの修行の成果だ!
Episode 25 - Zenkai Battle! Fukushuu no Golden Freeza
- en. Battle to the Limits! The Vengeful Golden Freeza
- ja. 全開バトル! 復讐のゴールデンフリーザ
Episode 26 - Dai Pinch ni Shouki ga Mieta! Hangeki Kaishi Da Son Gokuu
- en. A Chance of Victory in a Pinch! It is Time for a Counterattack Son Goku
- ja. 大ピンチに勝機が見えた! 反撃開始だ孫悟空!
Episode 27 - Chikyuu Bakuhatsu!? Kecchaku no Kamehame Ha
- en. Earth Explodes?! The Decisive Kamehameha Wave
- ja. 地球爆発!? 決着のかめはめ波
Episode 28 - Dai 6 Uchuu no Hakaijin: Sono Na wa Champa
- en. The 6th Universe's God of Destruction: His Name's Champa
- ja. 第6宇宙の破壊神 その名はシャンパ
Episode 29 - Kakutou Shiai Kaisai Kettei! Shushou wa Gokuu yori mo Tsuyoi Yatsu
- en. It Is Settled: We Are Holding a Martial Arts Match! The Team Captain Is Even Stronger Than Goku
- ja. 格闘試合開催決定! 主将は悟空よりも強いヤツ
Episode 30 - "Kakutou Shiai" e no Osarai: Nokori Futari no Member wa Dare Da!?
- en. Training for the "Martial Arts Tournament": Who Are the Two Remaining Members!?
- ja. 『格闘試合』へのおさらい 残り二人のメンバーは誰だ!?
Episode 31 - Zunoo-sama no Moto e! Chou Dragon Ball no Arika wo Kikidase!
- en. To Zuno-sama! Ask the Whereabouts of the Super Dragon Balls!
- ja. ズノー様のもとへ! 超ドラゴンボールのありかを聞き出せ!
Episode 32 - Shiai Kaishi Da! Minna de "Namae no Nai Hoshi" e!
- en. The Match Begins! Everyone, Head to the Nameless Planet!
- ja. 試合開始だ! みんなで「名前のない星」へ!
Episode 33 - Odoroke Dai 6 Uchuu yo! Kore ga Super Saiyajin Son Gokuu Da!
- en. Be Surprised, Universe 6! This Is Super Saiyan: Son Goku!
- ja. 驚け第6宇宙よ! これが超[スーパー]サイヤ人・孫悟空だ!
Episode 34 - Piccolo vs Frost: Makankousappou ni Subete wo Kakero!
- en. Piccolo vs Frost! Bet Everything on the Makankosappo!
- ja. ピッコロVSフロスト 魔貫光殺砲にすべてをかけろ!
Episode 35 - Ikari wo Chikara ni Kaeru! Vegeta no Zenkai Battle
- en. Change Your Fury Into Power! Vegeta's All-Out Battle
- ja. 怒りを力に変えろ! ベジータの全開バトル
Episode 36 - Masaka no Daikusen! Vegeta Ikari no Daibakuhatsu!
- en. An Unexpected Struggle! Vegeta's Explosion of Anger
- ja. まさかの大苦戦! ベジータ怒りの大爆発!
Episode 37 - Saiyajin no Hokori wo Wasurena! Vegeta vs Dai 6 Uchuu no Saiyajin
- en. Don't Forget Your Saiyan Pride! Vegeta vs the Saiyan from Universe 6
- ja. サイヤ人の誇りを忘れるな! ベジータVS第6宇宙のサイヤ人
Episode 45 - Vegeta ga Kieru!? Fukusei Vegeta no Kyoui!
- en. Vegeta Disappears?! The Threat of Duplicated Vegeta! Filler
- ja. ベジータが消える!? 複製ベジータの脅威!
Episode 46 - Gokuu tai Fukusei Vegeta! Katsu no wa Docchi Da!?
- en. Goku vs. Duplicated Vegeta! Who's Gonna Win?!
- ja. 悟空VS複製ベジータ! 勝つのはどっちだ!?
Episode 88 - Episode 88
Episode 89 - Episode 89
Episode 95 - Episode 95
Episode 96 - Episode 96
Episode 97 - Episode 97
Episode 98 - Episode 98
Episode 99 - Episode 99
Episode 100 - Episode 100
Episode 102 - Episode 102
Episode 104 - Episode 104
Episode 109 - Episode 109
Episode 110 - Episode 110
Episode 114 - Episode 114
Episode 115 - Episode 115
Episode 121 - Episode 121