Go! Princess Precure

TV Series (50 ep.)
From 2015-02-01
to 2016-01-31
Alternative Titles
ru:Вперед! Принцессы хорошенького лекарства
ja:Go! プリンセスプリキュア
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Episode 1 - Watashi ga Princess? Cure Flora Tanjou!
- en. I'm a Princess? Cure Flora is Born!
- ja. 私がプリンセス?キュアフローラ誕生!
Episode 2 - Gakuen no Princess! Toujou Cure Mermaid!
- en. The Academy's Princess! Cure Mermaid Appears!
- ja. 学園のプリンセス!登場キュアマーメイド!
Episode 3 - Mou Sayonara? Puff wo Katte wa Ikemasen!
- en. Goodbye Already? You Can't Keep Puff!
- ja. もうさよなら?パフを飼ってはいけません!
Episode 4 - Kirakira Kirara wa Cure Twinkle?
- en. Sparkling Kirara is Cure Twinkle?
- ja. キラキラきららはキュアトゥインクル?
Episode 5 - Sannin de Go! Watashi-tachi Princess PreCure!
- en. The Three of Us are Go! We are the Princess PreCure!
- ja. 3人でGO!私たちプリンセスプリキュア!
Episode 6 - Lesson Start! Mezase Grand Princess!
- en. Lesson Start! Aim to be a Grand Princess!
- ja. レッスンスタート!めざせグランプリンセス!
Episode 7 - Tennis de Saikai! Ijiwaru na Otoko no Ko!?
- en. Reunited by Tennis! The Bully Boy!?
- ja. テニスで再会!いじわるな男の子!?
Episode 8 - Zettai Muri!? Haruka no Dress Zukuri!
- en. Absolutely Impossible!? Haruka's Dress Making!
- ja. ぜったいムリ!?はるかのドレスづくり!
Episode 9 - Maku yo Agare! Akogare no Noble Party!
- en. Rise the Curtain! The Long-Awaited Noble Party!
- ja. 幕よあがれ!憧れのノーブルパーティ!
Episode 10 - Doko Doko? Aratana Dress Up Key!
- en. Where Is It? A New Dress Up Key!
- ja. どこどこ?新たなドレスアップキー!
Episode 11 - Dai Dai Dai Pinch!? Precure vs Close!
- en. Big Big Big Trouble!? PreCure vs. Close!
- ja. 大大大ピンチ!?プリキュアVSクローズ!
Episode 12 - Kirara to Idol! Atsui Donuts Battle!
- en. Kirara and the Idol! The Hot Donut Battle!
- ja. きららとアイドル!あつ~いドーナッツバトル!
Episode 13 - Tsumetai Neiro...! Kuroki Princess Arawaru!
- en. A Cold Timbre...! The Black Princess Appears!
- ja. 冷たい音色・・・!黒きプリンセス現る!
Episode 14 - Daisuki no Katachi! Haruno Family no Yume!
- en. The Form of Love! Haruno Family's Dream!
- ja. 大好きのカタチ!春野ファミリーの夢!
Episode 15 - Daihenshin Roma! Aroma no Shitsuji Shiken!
- en. The Great Transformation Roma! Aroma's Butler Exam!
- ja. 大変身ロマ!アロマの執事試験!
Episode 16 - Umi e no Chikai! Minami no Taisetsu na Takaramono!
- en. An Oath to the Sea! Minami's Most Important Treasure!
- ja. 海への誓い!みなみの大切な宝物!
Episode 17 - Mabushi Sugiru! Kirara, Yume no Runway!
- en. Too Bright! Kirara's Runway of Dreams!
- ja. まぶしすぎる!きらら、夢のランウェイ!
Episode 18 - Ehon no Himitsu! Princess tte Nani?
- en. The Picture Book's Secret! What is a Princess?
- ja. 絵本のヒミツ!プリンセスってなぁに?
Episode 19 - Hakken! Ryou de Mitsuketa Takaramono!
- en. Discovered! The Treasure Found in the Dormitory!
- ja. はっけ~ん!寮でみつけたタカラモノ!
Episode 20 - Kanata to Saikai!? Iza, Hope Kingdom e!
- en. Reunited with Kanata!? Going to the Hope Kingdom Now!
- ja. カナタと再会!?いざ、ホープキングダムへ!
Episode 21 - Moriagare Ongakusai! Kokoro wo Hiraku Harmony
- en. The Fired Up Music Festival! The Harmony That Opens Up the Heart
- ja. 盛り上がれ音楽祭!心を開くハーモニー